Swedish Fascia Vibes treatment of Whiplash
Johan Hedström is one of hundreds who has tested deep wave treatment for help after a whiplash injury. “I am not completely restored, but it is much better”.
Johan Hedström is one of hundreds who has tested deep wave treatment for help after a whiplash injury. “I am not completely restored, but it is much better”.
Since 2011 we have spent countless hours, resources and energy creating a concept which helps professional therapists become even better. Because we belive that therapist is a profession for the future. Good therapists are needed and may even play a central part in changing much that is negative in the world today.
Axel shows 9 techniques with Swedish Fascia Vibes. Atlasbalans M1 makes professional therapist even better. Reach deeper and get better result with Swedish Fascia Vibes – on shorter amount of time.
Jarmo Ahonen is one of the most renowned physiotherapists in Finland and has dedicated decades to improve treatment of fascia. He has been working with Swedish Fascia Vibes since 2013 and has had amazing results.