New research on Fascia changes the way we look at pain
There is an ongoing global revolution within the anatomical research field, turning the way we view our bodies upside down and setting a new standard for how we conduct research.
There is an ongoing global revolution within the anatomical research field, turning the way we view our bodies upside down and setting a new standard for how we conduct research.
Seminarium om ryggvärk, ny forskning, bindväv och inflammation med Dr. Heike Jäger från Fascia Research Center i Ulm, Tyskland, Professor Karl E Arfors, hedersdoktor vid Uppsala Universitet och Hans Bohlin, innovatör och fascia-expert
Want to know more about how it is working as a therapist and using Swedish Fascia Vibes? We asked therapist Märta Lindqvist, who has been with Atlasbalans since 2015 to share her insights and experiences.
World’s most prestigious design award to Swedish developed treatment tool.