04. What do you want? How to set goals and how to reach them
What do you want? What do you dream about? The fourth part is about setting goals and the strength which comes from a clear vision and a clear focus.
What do you want? What do you dream about? The fourth part is about setting goals and the strength which comes from a clear vision and a clear focus.
Very few people know WHY they do what they do. Why do you work with what you do? Why did you get out of bed? And why should anyone care?
Learn how to position yourself as an expert so you can build a strong relationship with your customers and increase the value of your business.
After a short introduction to the course itself and the contents of the course, Atlasbalans’ co-founder Axel Bohlin will talk about what sales is, what it could be and why it’s so important to understand if you’re going to run a successful business in today’s society.
We have gone through how to become an expert, how you handle meetings with customers and how you can get to know your customer. Now it is time to put all these pieces into a whole, now it’s time for your local marketing plan.
Sales, marketing and customer care are not rocket research. To a large extent, it is about treating people well, believing in themselves and what you do – and above all: constantly improving yourself and how you work.
In 2017, Swedish Fascia Vibes was used on a few dozen people with Frozen shoulder which lead to improved shoulder and shoulder mobility
On May 25th, 2018, Helsinki was the center of the world in terms of manual therapy. As open-minded and innovative wellness providers from all over the world gather at the Embassy of Sweden.
Finnish physiotherapist Jarmo Ahonen talks about Fascia treatment with Atlasbalans treatment equipment, about treatment and fascia in general and how people react to the treatment.
Axel shows 9 techniques with Swedish Fascia Vibes. Atlasbalans M1 makes professional therapist even better. Reach deeper and get better result with Swedish Fascia Vibes – on shorter amount of time.