How do you develop a more efficient hand?
Research about fascia, treatment of horses and incredible results. The full story of Atlasbalans and the development of Swedish Fascia Vibes
Research about fascia, treatment of horses and incredible results. The full story of Atlasbalans and the development of Swedish Fascia Vibes
Hans Bohlin is a successful economist who retrained himself as a therapist and expert in fascia and also became an entrepreneur and innovator when searching for a gentle type of treatment to increase mobility and agility.
New research shows that fascia, a system of connective tissue, has a larger impact on health and well-being than was previously known.
Lotta Tellner has been working with Swedish Fascia Vibes since 2014. At the UK Launch in May 2019 she gave an interview about how it is to work with the machine and how she by treating fascia can help people with for example low back pain, fibromyalgia, frozen shoulder and muscle tensions.
Lotta Tellner has been working with Swedish Fascia Vibes since 2014. At the UK Launch in May 2019 she gave an interview about how it is to work with the machine and how she by treating fascia can help people with for example low back pain, fibromyalgia, frozen shoulder and muscle tensions.
Swedish Fascia treatment devices are now used as pain relief during childbirth by midwife Cayenne Ekjordh. “One mother went from panic to falling asleep in 10 minutes.”
Yesterday Lotta Orrholm tried Fascia Vibes for the first time at Global Champions Tour in Stockholm. She came with a Frozen Shoulder and left six minutes later with full mobility.
The UK Launch of Swedish Fascia Vibes by Atlasbalans was held in London on May 10-11th. “Very professional” states Linda Underwood who after the event decided to become one of the first British therapists working with this new Fascia Treatment.
Atlasbalans has received the international Good Design Award for both the new M1 and M2 Products. Founded in Chicago in 1950, Good Design remains the oldest and the world’s most recognized program for design excellence worldwide.
Swedish Fascia Vibes is a gentle and effective treatment of the entire body that increases mobility and relaxation, improves circulation and increases the fluid flow.